A few years ago, the singer, Robin Thicke came out with a song called “Blurred Lines.” This song comes to mind when I think about the adjustment to working from home full time. I have spoken with a few people who have had challenges in this area and I was no exception. Here are 5 tips to make that transition a lot easier.
Dedicated Office Time– I have found myself logging on before my normal work start time and logging off later than when my normal work day ends. I had to institute a “hard” start and stop time. I began to notice that I was making and receiving calls and emails later and later in the evening. Now when my end time arrives, I shut the computer down completely. Otherwise, I will feel compelled to complete “one more task.”
Take a shower and change your clothes– After my morning workout, a shower energizes me and a fresh set of clothes helps me get into work mode. Get out of your PJ’s! Even if you don’t have a Zoom meeting scheduled that day.
Dedicated Office Space– Have a spot in your home designated for work. Don’t work all over the house. That will only contribute to the “Blurred Line” feeling. This space should have plenty of light. I am partial to areas with a lot of natural light, preferably near a window. When you hit your “hard stop” and days end, leave this area completely. If you aren’t able to leave the area, pack up all your work materials and put them away.
Build in Breaks– I tend to move around a bit more when I am in the office. When I am home, I almost feel like I am glued to my seat and in some sort of time warp. The next thing I know, I have forgotten to get up for lunch. Remember to incorporate breaks. They will help you reset, break up the monotony, and be more productive.
Create a Routine-Incorporating some of tips listed previously will assist with this task. I am a creature of habit and function more efficiently with a routine. Create a routine to begin your workday. For me it includes working out, shower, breakfast and first cup of coffee, roughly. At the end of the day, I shut things down and re-engage with my wife and children. This usually includes getting outside and getting a little sun. I encourage you to incorporate something in the place of a daily commute. Perhaps take a walk to begin (ramp up) and end the day(wind down).
We would love to hear what best practices you have regarding working from home. Feel free to contact us and share!